Saturday, October 2, 2010


Pemesanan Produk 
Pemesanan produk Ashitaba Leaf dan Ashitaba Chalcone, bisa langsung menghubungi pada HP: 081515181823 – 087853532923 - 081230797372, dengan mentransfer terlebih dahulu pada Bank Mandiri - No. Rekening: 1410007620248 atau BCA - No. Rekening: 4290519425. Setelah adanya pemberitahuan telah transfer, maka pada hari yang sama atau 1x24 jam, maka pesanan akan dikirim melalui Pos Indonesia, Tiki, atau Elteha.


Harga Ashitaba Leaf = Rp 75.000 per botol (100 gram) ditambah ongkos kirim Rp 15.000 – Rp 20.000 (Wilayah Jawa & Bali, untuk wilayah lain akan disesuaikan).

Petunjuk Penggunaan
Petunjuk Penggunaan untuk Ashitaba Leaf: 1 sendok teh untuk dicampur dengan 1 gelas (200 ml) air panas (mendidih) dan diminum pagi, siang, dan malam hari setelah makan, dan boleh ditambah gula.


Harga Ashitaba Chalcone = Rp ....... per botol (100 ml) ditambah ongkos kirim Rp 15.000 – Rp 20.000 (Wilayah Jawa & Bali; untuk wilayah lain akan disesuaikan).

Petunjuk Penggunaan
Petunjuk Penggunaan untuk Ashitaba Chalcone: 1 sendok teh untuk diminum pagi dan malam hari setelah makan dan kemudian minum 1 gelas air putih, dikocok dahulu, dan disimpan ditempat dingin (lemari es).

Ashitaba (Tomorrow Leaf)

Ashitaba (Tomorrow Leaf)

Ashitaba (dalam bahasa Jepang) yang berarti "Daun Besok". Batang Ashitaba dipotong kemarin (mengeluarkan Chalcone - Yellow Juicy) dan hari ini tumbuh daun pada batangnya, dimana menunjukkan regenerasi yang begitu cepat, dan tidak ada tanaman lain di dunia seperti ini, selain Ashitaba, sehingga disebut dengan Angel of Herb (Herbal Malaikat) sesuai dengan bahasa Latinnya yaitu Angelica Keikei Koidzmi

Contact Information

Solusi Energi Plus Co.

• Gayungsari Barat III No. 68. Surabaya, Indonesia
• Belimbing VII No. 1, Pondok Chandra, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
• Simpang Darmo Permai Selatan XI No. 61, Surabaya, Indonesia
Mobile Phone:
• 0815151818 23
• 087853532923
• 081230797372
• (Ashitaba is Angel of Herb with Chalcone and The Only One in The World)
• (Blood Bird Nest is Scarce Nest and The Only One in The World)
• (Wild Civet Coffee is Unique Coffee and The Only One in The World)
• www.pasakbumi-extract200 (Pasak Bumi is Rare Root and The Only One in The World for Biggest Plantation than The Other)

• See in with title Ashitaba is Angel of Herb with Chalcone and The Only One in The World 2:
• See in with title Red-Blood Bird Nest 1:

Ashitaba: HIV/AIDS

AIDS adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh immunodeficiency virus bernama HIV. Hal ini menyebabkan kematian secara bertahap sel kekebalan dan penurunan kekebalan. Akibatnya, seseorang menjadi imunodefisiensi, membuat rentan terhadap berbagai infeksi dan akhirnya kematian. Hasil penelitian terbaru di Jepang menunjukkan bahwa Chalcone (Xanthoangelol) dari ashitaba efektif dalam pengobatan HIV. Tanaman ini dilaporkan memberikan stimulasi sistem kekebalan tubuh, meningkatkan fungsi sehat untuk lambung dan usus, dan telah menunjukkan aktivitas anti-virus dan anti-bakteri.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The result of recent research in Japan shows that chalcone (Xanthoangelol) from ashitaba is effective in the treatment of HIV

Ashitaba: Chinese herbal medicinal plant
by Leonard Konis

One of the oldest and prominent herbal plants native to Asia, grown in rich volcanic soil is Ashitaba. The herbal plant described like "celery - like vegetable". In China medicinal properties of the plant date back 2000 years, during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644 1) and Shogun warriors (1192 -1867 2). 4 A Chinese book written by Dr. Lee (1518 - 1593) first describes the medicinal value of Ashitaba during the Ming Dynasty. 8 Ashitaba known to purify blood and circulation, cleanse the colon, relieve muscle, joint, and nerve discomfort and enhance lung function. Ability of the herbal plant to grow very fast symbolic by its name Ashitaba, means "tomorrow's leaf". People living on the Izu Islands (volcanic islands of Japan 3) refer to the Ashitaba herb as "longevity herb" (growing in rugged terrain): Powerful antioxidants, nutrients, and energetic properties. 4

The Ashitaba herb plant contains eleven different types of vitamins and thirteen minerals."Nutritional analysis reveals that 100 grams of Ashitba powder contains the beta - carotene content equivalent to four carrots, the vitamin B2 content equivalent to 28 cloves of garlic, the vitamin C content equivalent to 4 lemons and nine times the amount of iron found in spinach". Also, nutritional content of Ashitaba: Folic acid, vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6 B12 (Usually B12 not found in plants, but obtainable in meats, fish and eggs. Reduction of B12 linked to cognitive and nervous system problems, besides increase risk of cardiovascular disease and pernicious anaemia.), and minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, sulphur, manganese, and silicon.

Ashitaba contains high level of chlorophyll (Green pigment found in most plants. Through a process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll collects and stores energy from the light. 6) Nearly identical (Ashitaba) to haemoglobin molecule in red blood cells, referred to as "nature blood". It functions in blood to carry more oxygen to the body's tissues and performs as an agent cleansing the blood and liver. A type of mineral found in Ashitaba promotes production of interferon (Interferon produced in the body in very small quantity. Interferon used to treat some types of cancer: Kidney, multiple myeloma, malignant melanoma, and tumors. 7).Potent antioxidants found in Ashitaba are Coumarins.

Compounds found in Ashitaba called chalcones (The pigment found in chalcones produces yellow color juice of the herb 4): Strong antioxidants protect cells from damage, attributed to ageing process and many degenerative diseases, including cancer. 5 Among the longest life spans on earth, residents on the Japanese island of Hachijo, routinely incorporate in their diet Ashitaba. People on the island refer to Ashitaba herb as the "longevity herb" (no side effects). 4 Also, during stress, chalcones suppress excessive secretion of gastric juices in the stomach, known to cause stomach ulcers. Besides, chalcones regulate blood pressure, cholesterol level, and stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF - Development and survival of certain neurons (nerve cells) surrounding and within the central nervous systems). A thriving Nerve Growth Factor potentially inhibits neurological damage linked to Alzheimer's disease. According to a Japanese study conducted by Biomedical Group (In Takara), after taking Ashitaba for just four days, twenty percent increase in NGF concentration. Also, according to research published in September 2002 (issue of Nutraceuticals World), Ashitaba as a potential antioxidant outperformed green tea, black tea, St. John Wort, camomile, dandelion, and fennel. 5 Preliminary Japanese research study on mice indicates chalcone (derived from Ashitaba) inhibits skin and lung cancer substantially. "The result of recent research in Japan shows that chalcone (Xanthoangelol) from ashitaba is effective in the treatment of HIV." 8

Data has shown Ashitaba regulates effectively blood sugar especially for diabetics. Dr. Kevin Lance Jones, a licensed acupuncturist and orthomolecular medical doctor from California said: "There is a patient in Texas that has insulin-dependent (Type 1) diabetes who is currently taking the herb. He says that he now has to use less insulin because his blood sugar no longer spikes with attacks of hyperglycaemia. Another diabetes patient in Japan took Ashitaba for six months and his blood sugar level dropped from 400 mg/dl to 150 mg/dl". 5

People who have experienced GI (Gastrointestinal disorders) tract disorders (Chronic gastritius, acute gastritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach cancer, chlorydria, gastric atonia, descensus ventriculi, and chronic enteritis) treated by taking Ashitaba. 8

Ashitaba improves skin ("Ashitaba exfoliates the dead skin that causes a dull complexion and / or clogged pores". Also, herb heals scrapes, cuts, insect bites, acne, and ulcers. 9) and hair quality: Reduces cell damage and increases blood circulation to the skin thus producing wrinkle free skin and hair grows thicker (fuller and stronger 9) with a color shine and preventing dry or brittle hair. 8

Mothers who have taken Ashitaba helps remove heavy metals such as mercury and lead, especially important to maintain a healthy immune system, providing milk for babies. 10

Recommend Ashitaba taken for best results, one teaspoon in the morning and evening in a small amount of juice. (Also, mixed into a tea or sprinkled over salads and other foods. 8) 5 Herb should be taken before a meal. 8 Followed by a glass of water. Those who have taken the herb, describe the taste to be sweet and no known contraindications. Always best to consult your physician before taking any herb, especially when currently taking medication. 5

In the United States, Novus Research (Leading distributor in advance nutritional supplementation) first distributer offers Organic Ashitaba: Cultivated over several years. 4 California Certified Organic Farmers certified Ashitaba Green as an organic whole food. Seeds of the Ashitaba herb imported from Japan. 8 According to Professor Hang of the Yunam Agricultural Institute advices soaking seeds over night in water and then refrigerate (40 degrees F) in moist medium for 30 days. Afterwards plant seeds in cool climate, moist conditions and expect germination in fifteen days. Within sixty days, seedlings ready to be transplanted. Herbal plant Ashitaba flowers biennial. 11 During the harvesting and processing of Ashitaba herb, leaves and stems are dried together maximize the potent strength and antioxidant qualities. Also, herb processed for distribution contains no additives. 8

1.) Ming Dynasty - ing_Dynasty
2.) The Shogun Dynasty - sets/2777.php
3.) Izu Islands - zu_Islands
4.) What is Ashitaba - /
5.) Ashitabe - .uk/article/2980/ashitaba.html
6.) Chlorophyll - hlorophyll
7.) Interferon alpha (IntronA, Roferon-A) - /Treatments/Biologicaltherapie s/Interferon
8.) What is Ashitaba? - allansbestherbal
9.) Natural Health Organic Farm brings you ORGANIC ASHITABA BEAUTY -
10.) All Japanese Take ASHITARA (Compulsary Food) - ba/index.htm
11.) Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei koidzumi) seeds - oduct.asp?specific=jrennrf0

ASHITABA Demonstrated Anti-HIV Activity


By Dr. Kevin Lance [ones, L.Ac., O.M.D.]

Little is known about the world of Herbal Medicine. Of all the plant species in the world, only five percent (5%) have been catalogued. Of that five percent that have been catalogued, a full one quarter (1/4) or twenty – five percent (25%) have medicinal qualities. There is the example of Taxol, an anti-uterine cancer drug that is derived from the bark of the Yu tree.

Another shinning example of a newly discovered herbal medicine is ASHITABA. Its name literally translates to Japanese as "Early Growth" or "Tomorrow’s Leaf". It was named so because of its ability to grow very fast and exhibit a strong Qi or energetic life force.


Kidney Yin and Yang with Qi and Xue
In this section I will endeavor to explain the therapeutic actions of Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi or ASHITABA in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine as practiced currently in the People's Republic of China. One of the fundamental actions of ASHITABA is that it is great at activating Qi and Xue (Blood). The application for this is apparent in the treatment in the menstrual problems. It removes stagnation in the uterus, which will help with many menstrual difficulties. It also increases blood flow (activates Qi and Blood). ASHITABA which can be used by it self alone, increases Kidney Yin and Yang Qi.

Kidney Yang Qi and Yang Xu
The increase of the Kidney Yang Qi will act as a diuretic and increase the urine output. In Japan, ASHITABA is used to treat hypertension. As a diuretic it has no side effects such as western medicines frequently have. It increases the libido (sex drive) for those persons with Kidney Yang Xu (deficiency).

Kidney Yin Xu
In terms of the increase in Kidney Yin Xu (deficiency), this herb is wonderful in treating the problem of Peri – menopause. With a Kidney Yin Xu (deficiency) one of the cardinal symptoms in women is related to their irregular or no menstruation. The usual four to six years of peri – menopause that women in their middle forties to early fifties in age experience could be made much more comfortable with the use of ASHITABA. Since this herb warms the uterus, it is very useful in treating menstrual cramps and pain, regardless of the age of the patient.

ASHITABA Good for Lactagogue
ASHITABA is a useful Lactagogue, that is, an agent which induces the secretion of mother's milk. There is an anecdotal evidence from Japan concerning a cow that was fed with ASHITABA and it recorded high milk production. By analogy, ASHITABA could be used with mastitis or low milk production after delivery.

ASHITABA harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach.

ASHITABA harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach. It helps to balance the Earth element. There is a patient in Texas that has Insulin- Dependent Diabetes that is currently taking the herb. He says that he now has to use less Insulin because his blood sugar no longer spikes with attacks of Hyperglycemia. Another Diabetes patient in Japan took ASHITABA for six months and his blood sugar level dropped from 400 mg./dL to 150 mg./dL.

Dr. Kimie Baba
Dr. Kimi Baba at Osaka University School of Pharmacy has published a paper showing the decrease of the rate of acid production in the stomach with ASHITABA. In her paper she also showed a decrease in the severity of stress related to stomach ulcers. The extract of Hachi Jo Island’s ASHITABA also exhibited an anti-bacterial action.

CHALCONEs are the active factors in Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi. The two that are in ASHITABA are known as Xanthoangelol, Xanthoangelol-E and 4- Hydrooxyderricin. These were discovered by Dr. Kimie Baba. These factors are found only in this strain of ASHITABA from the Island of Hachi Jo and are derived from the yellowish liquid extract of the leaves and stems. This differentiates it from any other strain of ASHITABA from China, Taiwan, Korea.

Research in Japan has shown that ASHITABA has anti- viral properties. At a 1993 Pharmacology Forum in Japan, it was reported that ASHITABA demonstrated anti-HIV activity.